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Nancy Rogers
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August Alphabetical Recipe Index

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Thought for the Day (sent in by Karen in NE)
Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.

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Our favorite crabmeat recipe -- also delicious made with shrimp.

Crab Imperial For Two

Mix well in large bowl:
1/2 pound crabmeat in small bite-sized pieces

1/4 cup mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon dry minced onion
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
Worcestershire sauce to your taste
1/16 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 Tablespoon lemon juice
half of a drained 4-ounce can of sliced mushrooms

Lightly toss 1 Tablespoon melted butter in 1/2 cup (twelve) crushed unsalted saltine crackers. Fold crumbs into crab mixture. Spoon into greased dishes and sprinkle with paprika. Bake 450 degrees for 15 minutes.

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Suzie in NW Michigan wrote, "Graham mom loved him!"

Forty years ago my young son loved to watch Graham Kerr when he was sick at home with tonsil infections. (The problem ended with tonsil removal, but his interest in cooking persisted.)

In high school he approached the chef at an expensive local restaurant to work for free in order to learn to cook. After a few months he was hired part-time until he graduated.

He then went on to cook in restaurants in several states to finance his college degree. He has been a mechanical engineer for many years, but still loves to cook. Thanks, Graham Kerr

Things You Never Knew Existed...where the UNUSUAL is usual!
Includes As Seen on TV Items
Email Address for Spooky Halloween Items!

I love this site.  It has so many things that I had never seen before and does have a section As Seen On TV.  This site has Halloween masks, skeletons, costumes and more. My favorite is the Useful Things section. 
Nancy Rogers

Good morning Nancy,
For Linda W in the 8/23 newsletter, who would like to know how to submit a recipe. Linda, just press on Email Address at either the top or bottom of any newsletter and a message box will come up for you to put in your recipes and send to Nancy. ?Email Address to respond to replies, requests and tips. Please include the date of the recipe, name of recipe and number of servings. Remember to include your name within the message as well.?

Hope this helps! Good luck!
Chris in NM

Email Address to respond to replies, requests and tips. Please include the date of the recipe, name of recipe and number of servings.  Remember to include your name within the message as well.

For Joyce in Ky in the same newsletter looking for a good butterscotch pie, here is one I?ve made before.

Butterscotch Pie
1/2 c. butter or Oleo
1 c. water
2 egg yolks
1 c. brown sugar
2 1/2 tbsp. Cornstarch
1 1/2 c. milk

Brown butter in pan. Then add sugar and cook together, stirring constantly, until sugar is melted. Add water; stir slowly and cook until sugar is again dissolved. Combine cornstarch, egg yolks and milk, and add to sugar mixture. Cook until thickened. Pour in baked pie shell and top with cream.
From the recipes of Mrs. Johnson, Miami, TX
Chris in NM

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Nancy, I sure hope your unpacking is coming along ok! That part always seems to take the longest, because you are putting your things in different places in a different home. The time before last when we moved down here, we had the movers put all the boxes in the garage and I brought in 2 or 3 at a time and unpacked. That way, the house wasn?t cluttered with boxes. It worked out very well!
Hugs, Chris in NM

Linda, You wrote about Toma's Shrimp Fried Rice in the April 8th issue. I went back to the issue and I can't find it.
Thank you, Candy

The recipe is in the April 2008 Alphabetical Index of Recipes

I want to thank Barbara in AL., Marti in AL., Dee in S. Ill., Grannygirl in Ohio and Athena in DE. for responding to my request several days ago in the newsletter for crockpot potato recipes. I really appreciate your help, and have printed all the recipes out, and intend to try them all in time. Not sure which one I'll make for my son's birthday dinner, as all sounds wonderful! I want to share my favorite fresh peach pie recipe with everyone. It is a bit time consuming, but absolutely the
very BEST fresh peach pie I've ever tasted, and I'm sure you'll agree!

Fresh Peach Pie
Pastry for a two-crust 9 inch pie.
Combine 1/2 cup granulated sugar and 1/4 cup packed brown sugar. Cover 5
cups sliced fresh peaches with sugar mixture in a large bowl. Let stand
about 1 hour at room temperature. Drain, reserving juice.
Combine in a small saucepan:
3 tbsp. cornstarch
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. cinnamon
1/8 tsp. salt
Gradually add reserved peach juice, blending until smooth. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thick and clear. Remove from heat. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice and sliced peaches. Turn into a unbaked pie shell and dot with 1 tbsp. butter. Make lattice top out of remaining pastry. Brush pastry strips with milk. Bake at 450? for 10 minutes, then at 350? for 20 to 25 minutes. Delicious served slightly warm, topped with vanilla ice cream.

This was featured on the cover of Better Homes & Gardens when I was a teenager, and I've been making it ever since.
Judy (in Alaska)

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I saw several new pancake mixes that sounded good. Sunday morning is pancake time at our house. Has anyone tried them and share how great they taste? They sound like they would be winners in our home.
Linda NM

Blueberry Cream Cheese Pancake Mix
Raspberry Sour Cream Pancake Mix
Mayan Chocolate Chip Pancake Mix

I would like to see if anyone has a recipe for 1 minute boiled icing. A friend gave me the recipe some years back, but in my moving, I have lost -or misplaced it. I can't ask her for the recipe. It did not have confectioner's sugar, just granulated sugar and had buttermilk powder mixed with water (you could use buttermilk), butter and vanilla. I can't remember the amounts (and I am not sure that is all of the ingredients -although it seems to be). You boiled it for just 1 minute after it came to a boil, and then you beat it for a few minutes (I can't remember how long). It
tastes so good! Thanks very much!!

I have a real easy 1 minute frosting recipe that you don't have to cook and it turns out just great. I received this from a relative of my husband. It is called:

White Beat and Eat Frosting
1 egg white, unbeatened, 1/4 tsp. cream of tartar, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla, 1/4 cup boiling water

Mix egg white, sugar, cream of tartar and vanilla in a small mixing bowl. Add boiling water and beat to stiff peaks form with an electric mixer. This will frost a 2 layer cake. *

*I made my kids an alligator cake for school one year and I tinted this green and it turned out just great.
Emma from Montana

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Evening Nancy and kitties
It's probably my imagination Nancy, but you sound more relaxed since the flit (move). I wish you a happier time in your new surroundings.

I would on behalf of my sister Shirley, thank Karen in El Paso for her tip about removing chewing gum. My sister helps to clean out the local secondary school during the Summer break and has had an awful time cleaning chewing gum from the bottoms of the school desks. Your tip would have been a god-send at the beginning of the break, but even now it is still happening to the newly cleaned desks. Thanks Karen.
Sylvia <Scotland>

I love my new home. It is so nice and has an air conditioner that works. The kitties are very happy here as well. They have children to watch, lots of birds and two cats that walk along the back fence. Ditto and Siggy are big bird watchers. I plan to get a bird feeder for them in the next month.

The neighborhood where I now live in is mostly families with children (ages 5-16). Ditto and I Love to watch them from my computer room. Several are playing hide and seek right now. One little girl about 10 years old is hiding behind a tree in my yard. She has apparently thinks it will be a while before she is found because she brought a book to read. Another child across the street is hiding behind a house with a radio controlled car chasing a cat down the sidewalk. It is fun to watch them as I do the newsletter.
Nancy Rogers

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I recently bought an Immersion Blender/Chopper and am looking for recipes that I can make with it. Any suggestions or group will be greatly appreciated.

This for Pat in Atlanta. She requested this recipe on 8/23/08

One Minute Icing
Ready in: < 30 minutes
Difficulty: 2 (1=easiest :: hardest=5)
Serves/Makes: 1.5 cups

1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup cocoa
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix together. Bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute. Add vanilla. Cool partially, then beat with a mixer for 3 minutes or until spreadable consistency.

CDKitchen Note: We have personally tested this recipe and it WORKS if you follow the directions. This recipe from CDKitchen for 1 Minute Chocolate Frosting serves/makes 1.5 cups

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Baking and Cooking How to Articles
(includes shipping cookie tips and troubleshooting cookies)

I am so happy to see that you are finally happy in a good place to live. We have lived in really horrid places in our lifetime and moved about 7 times. Right now we are finally buying a home. Looking for one as I write this. It's hard to find a good home, but we are excited as this will be, our very last time moving.

Here is my lastest creation. Tasty and super easy. To see the yummy pictures, go to:

Homemade Cheesy Reuben Calzones
1/2 pound sliced corned beef
1/4 pound Swiss or provolone cheese
? cup sauerkraut, drained very well
Thousand Island dressing
Pizza dough
Olive oil

Preheat oven to 450 degrees and line baking sheets with Silpat or greased parchment paper.Cut dough into 2 even pieces, 4 if you want smaller calzones. Roll out into a circle to about 1/4 inch thickness.

Spread some thousand island dressing in the center of the dough, use as little or as much as desired. Place a piece of cheese on top of the mixture and top with 3 to 4 slices of corned beef, then a bit of sauerkraut, make sure to squeeze out excess liquid in sauerkraut before using.Finish off the pile with another slice of cheese.

Fold dough over the filling and pinch the edges shut, making sure nothing can leak out.Repeat instructions for remaining dough.Gently spread a bit of olive oil on tops of calzones (plu s the crust) before baking, and if desired sprinkle with salt & pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and paprika (I did all these). I always
think its better to season the crust and tops.

Place on baking sheet and slice 2 to 3 holes in the top of the dough so that steam may release.

Place the calzones in the oven for 12 - 15 minutes (depending on oven), then remove from oven and top with any remaining cheese. (I used cheddar cheese for variety).

Return to the oven for 5 to 10 more minutes; keep an eye out for the dough to turn a nice golden brown color.

Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes then slice in half.
Dawn - cape cod, ma

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Many thanks to Eve in WI for the Fasta Pasta measurements.

Would like to know if anyone has tried making Meringue for pies using Splenda in place of sugar.
Thank you.
Trish in Fl.

Clearance at!

This is for Dee in S Ill. Forgot the date of the newsletter, She was inquiring whether the play was still done at Palo Duro Canyon. Yes, this year it was on from June 2 to August 17. We attended on August 14 and they announced 1409 in attendance. Most of the seats were full...I imagine Saturday night had an even better attendance. Some of the actors/actresses are professional,

Many are students who are studying acting, etc. in college. They are from quite a few states. I talked with one mother who was from North Carolina and her daughter played a fiddle in the
"Cookie" in South Central TX.

I thoroughly enjoy your recipes---have been receiving it for around 10 yrs./ love it. I copy desired recipes into a file I have--one day I may try some more of them--but at least I have them to try out. Keep up the good job---like your cat pictures.

Nancy---I am having trouble when I go to Google now--- what is correct, now to type in, to bring up the newsletter with the calendar, on it?? Thanks, Sue

The link to the newsletter index is

Remember to bookmark it (or make it one of your favorites). If the latest newsletter is not showing press the F5 key or refresh the page.

I am in need of recipes for recipes for stuffed tomatoes.
Pat in SC

Hi Folks,
To PeggyNELA, yes, I am the Gail in Winnfield. I haven't been sending in any recipes lately because of some email issues, but I finally got the problem worked out. I have, however, avidly kept up with the daily newsletter. Isn't Nancy a blessing to all of us? Right there in her home she reaches 30,000 of us every day (except for Thursdays, of course) and brings us together like family. Cyber technology is amazing, isn't it. By the way, Peggy, where in northeast LA do you live? I love the Monroe area, especially the mall, LOL.

I need some help from somebody that knows how to cook whiting fish. I bought a bag of frozen filets that were on sale at my grocer's and didn't realize that they're not like the catfish filets that I normally purchase. Although they are filets, one side still has the skin of the fish attached to it and I'm not sure if this makes any difference in preparation or not. I normally either bake fish with 'Cajun seasoning or fry it with the typical LA cornmeal breading. Can this fish be prepared this way or do I need to try something different. I've often prepared salmon with the
skin still attached, but I usually broil it. Somebody help me, please.
Gail in LA

I too have had rust stains on my clothes. We thought it was from the hot water tank, so it was checked out. Thought it was from our water pipes. Checked that out too. In our case, we finally found out that the rust was coming from the washer ?drum?. The drum was rusting and pieces of it transferred to the clothes. Now we try not to let the clothes sit in the washer for any length of time, but we found a product that makes the stains disappear, Whink Rust Stain Remover, It is safe for whites and colorfast fabrics and carpet, white sinks and white toilet bowls. Fantastic
product. Hope this helps.
Faith in Cape Coral, FL

Does anyone have a TNT recipe for Gelato?
Paul McGowan

This is for Joan in San Antonio "Baked Eggs N' Bacon Toast Cups" 08/21 Recipes

I make a version of these eggs in the microwave for my grandchildren?we called them egg boats.

What I do is spread thin layer of margarine on one side of the bread then place in small microwave safe bowl(buttered side facing up), so the edges come up to form a small pocket. I cook in microwave for 1 minute on high till toasted. (you will have to discover how long you need to cook as all microwaves cook differently). Remove from microwave, crack one egg into "boat" then pierce yolk and whites with a fork a couple of times. Sprinkle on salt, pepper, cheese and bacon bits and cook in microwave for a minute or whatever is required to set egg.

We all love these and when its hot, you don?t have to turn on the oven.

Good morning, Nancy! Glad you're in your new place; you'll love having the AC, won't you. There are still many weeks of awfully hot weather down there.

Diane in South Jersey asked about evaporated vs condensed milk. They are both the same. But LOOK OUT because there is also a product called Sweetened Condensed Milk, which is COMPLETELY different. It's produced by Borden and called Eagle Brand, and there's at least one other product, named Magnolia, which is the same as Eagle Brand. So if a recipe calls for evaporated or condensed milk, they mean the regular can. That can be used for cream sauces,
or soups, or casserole dishes, or pancakes, or whatever. If a dessert or candy or cookie recipe calls for Sweetened Condensed milk, they will state it as such, and usually include a parenthesis saying (like Eagle Brand). The Sweetened and the evaporated/condensed are NOT interchangable, ever. (You can tell I learned this as a bride when I made something, I don't even remember what, using the wrong one...ick)
Kathi in Virginia

Home Bistro: From Freezer to Table in About 10 Minutes
Delicious Low Carb Meals at Home Bistro  

I just wanted to say that I love this newsletter. I can?t wait till it comes each time to open and begin reading it. Thank you for all of the hard work that you put into making this.
Karen (va.)

Looking for a recipe clone for King's Hawaiian Bread.
Debbie in Lockhart

I'd like to thank Shirley in Calif for the link to the freezing group. Also thanks go to Rosieg in PA for the recipe which I plan to try tomorrow. Does anyone have a freezer relish recipe? I'm still looking for a TNT one and will be happy to get as many as possible. I'll post the Dutch Relish recipe if anyone wants it but it's not a freezer one and I'm not sure if I really want to use the ingredients to try freezing it.
Betty in ME.

Pauline in Oregon requested soup recipe made with boxed potatoes, this one is very good:

Nacho Potato Soup
(Ronald McDonald Room 12/2006)

1 pkg. Au Gratin Potatoes
1 can Whole Kernel Corn, drained
1 can diced Rotel Tomatoes & Chiles, undrained
2 c water
2 c milk
2 c cubed processed American Cheese
Dash hot sauce ? optional

In a 3-qt. saucepan, combine contents of potato package, corn, tomatoes & water; mix well. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover & simmer 15-18 minutes or until potatoes are tender. Add milk, cheese and hot sauce (if desired); cook & stir until cheese is melted. Garnish with parsley if desired.

Yield: 2 qts (6-8 servings)
Peggy , Odessa, Tx

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Good afternoon Nancy!
I had some taco meat left over from another meal and decided to make this Frito pie. It was so good! As you can see, I did a couple of things a little different, but wanted to use up some left- overs. We still have a meal left in the pan!

Frito Pie

1 (6 oz.) pkg. Frito or Dorito corn chips ? I used Frito Scoops
1 med. onion, chopped
about ? to 1 c. leftover taco flavored cooked hamburger
1 c. grated cheddar cheese ? I used 5 kind Mexican shredded cheese
1 (36 oz.) can hot, spicy chili and 2/3 can water, stirred together*
1 tsp. chili powder
Salt and pepper to taste

Mix chili powder into chili, and then alternate Fritos, cheese, onion, and chili, making two layers of each in a 9 x 9 baking dish. Make final layer of cheese. Cover and bake on top rack of oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Garnish and serve with chopped lettuce, tomatoes, onions, black olives and sour cream. Source:

*I used a #2 can of Wolf Brand Chili and ? #2 can of refried beans and ? to 2/3 can water. Chris
in NM

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I am also enclosing a great recipe I have made for years! My ex's grandmother gave me this recipe way back in the 60's. They are so good! Will have to have them next Sun. for brunch. I don't fix them too often.

Waffles - T & T
1 1/2 cups sifted flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
2 egg yolks, well beaten
4 tablespoons melted butter
2 egg whites, beaten stiff

Sift dry ingredients together. Stir in milk gradually. Stir in egg yolks and butter. Gently fold in egg whites. Heat waffle maker. Cook waffles following manufacturer's directions, 4 to 5 minutes each or till light goes out. *Mine usually take about 8 minutes. You want them kind of crispy.
Chris in NM

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A good friend of my hubby gave us a ton of peaches off his tree the other day. Think I am going to make a peach cobbler with them, or maybe a peach pie. Does anyone have a good T & T recipe? I made the one from one of Joanne Fluke?s mystery/cooking books and it was great, but it makes way too much! Besides there is just 2 of us now.
Thanks! Chris in NM

I need a good (blue) punch recipe for a baby shower!

This is for Linda who wrote about Tona in Bama's Shrimp fried rice recipe. She said it was in the April 8th newsletter. I could not find it.
Thank you. Gay in L.I.

Linda, You wrote about Toma's Shrimp Fried Rice in the April 8th issue. I went back to the issue and I can't find it.
Thank you, Candy

The recipe is in the April 2008 Alphabetical Index of Recipes

Pimento Cheese Sandwich
Make a pimento cheese spread by taking some shredded sharp Cheddar Cheese, a drop or two of lemon juice, a jar of pimentos (drained) and a little Mayonnaise to mix. Refrigerate a few hours.

Then spread onto a slice of bread that has been toasted first on one side, then buttered. Place under the broiler until bubbly. You will have a delicious sandwich!
This is also delicious as a cold appetizer spread on crackers.
Pat in SC

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Does anyone of a recipe for an easy creamy chicken Con Queso penne Pasta casserole recipe similar to the frozen one they sell at Sam's club?

I am wanting to make something similar for my husbands 60th Birthday for a crowd. Also, does anyone have any other fun ideas for a 60th Birthday party?
Thanks for any tips!
Marlene in Texas

Hi Nancy,
I just saw the reply to Joann from Joie about the Roomba. I had one when we lived in NJ and loved it. When we moved to NC I never used it because we never finished doing the house. Now that we are back in NJ I got it out and started using it again.

Last week we had a thunderstorm and lots of lightning. The lights flickered more than once. I heard a "beep" and couldn't tell where it came from. After searching I noticed the little green lights on the dock and on the other square thing(?) were blinking. I unplugged it and tried it again. I let it sit overnight and it still blinked. I finally called iRobot and was told that basically I needed a whole new Roomba. I guess what happened was a power surge that destroyed it.

Lesson learned -- put your Roomba on a surge protector. It's a computer!!! I found nothing in the instructions that told me to do this but I'll never plug one into a wall socket again without a surge protector. We're doing so much work in this dump we bought I really don't want to put the money out right now for a new one and I'm so angry I could scream.

Hope you and the kitties are all well.
Sue from NJ

This recipe has been passed down through my former wife?s family who, by the lived near Madisonville, Ky. I hope you enjoy it. Nancy and friends, keep the newsletter comin?. It?s the highlight of my day. Thank you.

Family Pie Recipe
1/2 c. butter
1 cup water
2-egg yolks
1 cup brown sugar, dark brown, firmly packed
2 1/2 tablespoon. Cornstarch
1 1/2 cup milk
1 cup heavy cream, whipped and sweetened with about 1 tablespoon sugar

Brown butter in pan, then add sugar and cook together, stirring constantly, until sugar is melted. Add water; stir slowly and cook until sugar is again dissolved. Combine cornstarch, egg yolks, and milk, and add to sugar mixture. Cook until thickened. Pour inn baked pie shell and top with whipped heavy cream.

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Thanks to all who responded to my need to remove glue from fingers. I have used different solutions, but for some reason it stills gets on my fingers. Because I glue tiny little pearls one at a time, and cover an egg completely, it is very difficult not to put my fingers in the glue. I have to use a special glue to use for the pearls, another for crystal chain, and another glue for the inside of the egg. I have tried putting Vaseline on my hands before I start and it helps. I am going to try the Neosporin to see if that will help. For those of you who live in the Atlanta Area,

be sure and stop by the Georgia Power Bldg, Sept 8th through the 19th. The show
is sponsored by the Pilot Club to help disabled artist in the Georgia Area to display and sell their wares. Their is some beautiful work, painting, pottery, etc. but I am the only egger.

I have been showing my beautiful eggs (real Emu, Rhea and goose eggs). This time I will be showing an Anniversary clock cut from a goose egg that stands about 15 in. tall on rods with a crystal pineapple. I also willl be showing the ship Armada inside a rhea egg. The ship inside the egg is done in crystal and gold plate to represent The Armada, the one that I am really proud of is My Peacock. It is a Rhea egg cut with intricate cuts and covered with emerald and blue Autrian
stones. Inside the rhea egg is a goose egg with a silk screen print of two peacocks. Both eggs are cover in blue and emerald Austrian jewel ornaments. At the top of the Rhea egg is Austrian Rhinestone flatbacks to represent a peacock. If I do say so, it is beautiful. You will have to see them to know the many hours that I spend working on them. Mr. Arthritis is trying to stop me!
Thanks for all your suggestions for the glue.
Betty T. Ga.

Several years ago I had a recipe to make a peach pie filling that tasted just like dried peaches. This was made using cut up fresh peaches with the peeling on, sugar, vinegar and some spices. You would cook this until thick and then can. It had such a fresh taste, and OH SO GOOD. Of course I've lost my recipe. Do any of you ladies out there in Nancyland have this recipe. I would
certainly be grateful if you do. Thanks so much Nancy for all that you do for us. You are a highlight of my day.
Oma in Tennessee

I found this recipe in Common Sense cooking, 1986 by JoAnn Jul

Apple Pie in the Jar
4 1/2 cups sugar
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. salt
3 TBSP lemon juice
1 cup corn starch
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
10 cups water
7 quarts peeled & sliced apples

Mix all ingredients EXCEPT lemon juice and apples. Put on medium heat and heat until BUBBLING. Add the lemon juice. Fill hot, clean, quart jars with sliced apples, packing tightly. Pour the hot syrup over the apples. Put on the lids. Process in water bath for 25 minutes or in pressure canner for 10 minutes at 10 # pressure.

You can use the same recipe for peaches, but omit the spices. And for cherry pie filling, omit the spices, but add 1 tsp. almond extract to syrup after removing from heat.
Emma from Montana

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This is for Joyce in KY...

Glorified Butterscotch Pie
1 graham cracker crust
1 can eagle brand milk
3/4 cup REAL maple syrup-not pancake or waffle syrup
2 eggs
1 cup chopped pecans
1/2-1 cup toasted coconut (toast in 350 oven until golden brown)
8 ounce container cool whip

Combine first 3 ingredients well and bring to a boil over medium high heat. Add pecans and stir constantly and briskly (to keep bubbling down) for 2 minutes. Pour into prepared crust and let cool. Spread cool whip on top and sprinkle with toasted coconut. Refrigerate.
Sue B. in TX.

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This is for Atlanta Pat from the Sat August 23 Recipes

One Minute Boiled Icing
1 cup white sugar
1/4 cup milk
1/4 cup butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a saucepan, combine sugar, milk, butter and vanilla. Bring to a rolling boil, stirring constantly, and cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat. Using an electric mixer, beat icing for 3 minutes, or until mixture cools and thickens to spreading consistency. Spread onto completely cooled cake.
Caroline MO

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Thank you Lindah in Texas for the link to Irish recipes.. I am sure after browsing the site I will make something very tasty. Thank you Nancy for making this newsletter possible.
Dee in Canada

This is for Rosieg in PA about the recipe for freezer pickles which I tried today. I made the recipe this morning and even after only sitting for a few hours they're very good. I did add about 1/2 tsp of red pepper flakes and instead of a green pepper I added 1/2 green and 1/2 sweet red pepper. I also made the Dutch relish but after thinking about it I decided not to freeze it. The dressing is made with flour, vinegar, sugar and spices then heated until it thickens, then the grated vegetables are added. I was worried that after it was thawed the relish might be too
runny. Since my family likes it, my sons remember it from 35 years ago which was about the last time I made it, I'll just give them all some.
Betty in ME.

Hi, tired-out Nancy and *stressed staff*: I do feel for you as I have moved twice in 2 years, and before that I lived in the same house 22 years! What a mess I was! I'm still unpacking the final 7 boxes full of stuff that should go into my desk-which-there-is-no-room-for. I lost so MANY things. The movers just plain don't get everything back to you. I hope you don't find this out. Plus I just plain couldn't pack everything and gave so much away--and now I miss it. Ah, such is

To Kyra in Florida

Your kitty may have a bladder infection. It?s not his fault Please take him to a vet soon. I learned this from sad experience.
Bunnie in CO

For Fran in Upstate NY looking for an *Italian chicken cacciatore recipe*. This is a clone recipe which I haven't tried. And I mash potatoes with a masher like everyone else does (unless you're
on Food Network.)

Chicken Cacciatore
Buca di Beppo

1 Cut up Chicken
5 oz. red onions, sliced
1 oz. capers
7 oz. mushrooms, quartered
1 tsp. oregano
3 oz. sherry
16 oz. Marinara sauce
3 oz. olive oil
2 oz. garlic

Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Red Potatoes 2 lbs.
Soft butter 1 lb.
Romano Cheese 5 oz.
Oregano 1 Tbsp.
Salt 3/4 Tbsp.
Chopped Garlic 1/4 cup

Wash potatoes and boil until tender and soft. Place potatoes in mixer with rest of ingredients and mix on low spe ed until potatoes are mashed.:

Bake chicken in 360F oven until cooked completely through and golden brown in color.

Meanwhile, in a large pan, heat olive oil. Add garlic, onions, and mushrooms. Saut?until onions become tender.

Add capers, oregano and sherry. Once half the sherry has cooked out, add the marinara sauce and reduce by a third.

On a large platter, place a ring of mashed potatoes. Place chicken on the potatoes. Top chicken with sauce. Serve.
Bunnie in Parker, CO

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HALLOWEEN COSTUMES 4 U - Low Prices on your favorite Halloween Costumes  

There was not enough room for all the messages.  More will be posted tomorrow.

Life and Times of Sigmund Freud Kitty (Told in his own words)

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